Physical Therapy Superior to Steroid Injections for Arthritis Pain and Function

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a joint condition that occurs when the tissue in our joints beings to break down over time. OA it the most common form of arthritis and becomes more prevalent as we age. The hands, knees, hips, and low back are the joints most commonly affected with sufferers typically complaining of aches in joints and stiffness after rest.

Despite the chronicity of this condition, people can experience acute flare-ups that lead them to visit their primary care, orthopedist, or sometimes even the emergency department. During these flare-ups, many providers will offer steroid injections to their patients in hopes of temporarily reducing pain and subsequently improving function. However, new research is shedding light on these injections, showing they may do more harm than good. In a study published in fall 2019, researchers found negative side effects such as acceleration of the patient’s OA, fracture, bone loss, and in some cases bone death. With 10% of men and 13% of women older than 60 being diagnosed with OA, these findings have serious implications. Currently, Osteoarthritis Research Society International only “conditionally recommends” steroid injections for those with moderate to severe pain and recommends that doctors should inform patients of risk to weigh treatment options. So, what safe options does this leave sufferers? You guessed it: physical therapy.

There have been a number of recent studies tracking long term symptoms and functionality of patients receiving either injection or physical therapy. PT interventions for OA often include patient education on the condition, manual therapy as needed for pain management, and exercises to promote joint movement and improve strength. These studies have found that not only do patients have more immediate post-treatment improvement, those who completed a course of PT treatment demonstrated less pain and functional disability at one year compared to those who received injections alone. When physical therapy offers better outcomes with lower risk, it should be a more sought after treatment by sufferers of OA and their medical team for better, lasting, and safer results. Do you suffer from Knee Osteoarthritis? schedule an appointment today.

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